Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Such a Beautifull Weekend!!!

Dimulai dengan hunting ke toko buku, dan berhasil membawa pulang Gold Edition To Kill a Mockingbird-nya Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird is one that I call 'a-life-changing-book' , it's an AWESOME book! But, Why are the names in To Kill A Mockingbird so weird? the only normal one is Scott and she's a girl) & supernova : petir-nya Dewi Dee Lestari (It's simpler than Akar - It relates with Akar - and still talking about superpower thing, like Akar. There's a love story, and story about how she used her ability to heal someone by his electrical moves from her body (re: elektra). I think I could die laughing after I finished this book. Can't hardly wait for the fourth book of Supernova!)

Next, lanjut nonton TRANSFORMERS 3 : Dark Of The Moon di empire XXI bareng kumpulan pria yang haus akan sentuhan wanitaCool robots smashing each other, Superb visual effect, but don't expect too much for a good story‎ ya, Kesannya maksa banget!!! And I think Rosie Huntington just did a great job in Transformers 3 (re: replacing Megan Fox). She's awesome!!! Especially the part where she’s  running, jumping, flying around in Loubs! That requires skill, I tell u....

Kelar transformers langsung melesat ke tempat teman di kalasan. Karena paginya mau jalan – jalan ke puncak merapi. Look at the picture! how beautifull? the weather feel good too... In mountain side, it seems like freedom is already in my hands! Dari puncak merapi lanjut lagi kita ke pantai wedi ombo di gunung kidul, sekitar 76 km dari jogja. Sepanjang perjalanan kok saya agak pangling ya? Ini gunung kidul apa kupang? Banyak pohon jatinya, karang dimana – mana, dan gersang pula. Ahhhh, Thank God for a wonderful weekend. Had lots of fun with my friends. best day ever :)       


Rose mengatakan...

huaa bro keren fotonya..:0

minggu ini lagi senang juga . dpt buku harpot7 cuma 30rbu rupiah..pdhal waktu terbit pertama 189rb. dibaca berulang2 g bakal bosan.

L mengatakan...

salam kenal W. Decryto Aditya, looks like a really good weekend, huh?
btw, I really enjoy that petir book. the lightest of all the supernova tetralogy. :)